Would you like to express appreciation for a teacher’s professional commitment, courage, passion, patience, compassion?

In a new world where grocery clerks have become essential workers and delivery drivers receive hazard pay, let’s throw out old terms and conventions about what it means to provide service.

Let’s focus on what it means to express appreciation, how we do that, and why.

There are myriad reasons to express appreciation for teachers, now more than ever, but surprisingly not many ways to do that.

For teachers, we schedule “appreciation days.” We give paper cards, flowers, and plastic gift cards.  But these get forgotten, tossed out, or lost.

Think about it. For a second. Actually take a few minutes. Think about the last time you saw someone who did something for you that made your life easier, better for your children, happier.

A tip is a reward for good service, a gesture of thanks, a nod for a job well done.

People on salaries receive “performance bonuses. Those in the service industries, get tipped,

We tip baristas, waiters, waitresses, delivery drivers, valets, bellmen. 
Why not teachers? Why not grocery clerks?

So instead of putting cash in an envelope, finding a pen, and writing their name on it, send money. Is it a tip? A reward? A donation?

Does it matter? Words are indelible, a smile is a priceless, a card can be saved, but guess what, it’s money that pays the bills.

My mother was a hotel housekeeper. When she earned tips she would take us to McDonald’s. She was an hourly worker and five dollars enabled her to buy a meal - a Happy Meal.

So we say: Why not? For those of you who are saying, so when does it stop? I say this:

Why don’t we start and worry about that later?

Here’s How It Works

Provide the teacher’s name and the amount you’d like to put in their jar. We’ll create a customized QR code and URL, which you’ll share with other parents. Once the teacher confirms the account your donation will go directly and anonymously into the teacher’s virtual tip jar account. Anytime you want to put money into the teacher’s account, you can do so at anytime.

Powered by TipGenie.io and processed by Stripe, we’re making cashless tipping — fast, simple, contactless, and secure. By using customized QR codes to enable the expression of appreciation, we’re bringing humanity to technology.So what about sending a teacher a virtual tip? We tip baristas, waiters, waitresses, delivery drivers, valets, bellmen.

Why not express appreciation through a tip? So instead of putting cash in an envelope and writing their name on it, go touchless!

When you sign up, provide us with the teacher’s name email. and school.

We’ll contact them and let them know that a teacher appreciation jar has been set up for them. The teacher will set up an account and provide bank details for receiving tips.

We’ll send the teacher a customized QR code and URL, which you’ll share with other parents. Whenever anyone scans this teacher’s QR code, a “tip” will go directly and anonymously into the teacher’s virtual tip jar account.

No mobile app download required. No cash needs to be put in envelopes or checks written with pen and paper.

Powered by TipGenie.io and processed by Stripe, we’re making cashless tipping — fast, simple, contactless, and secure. By using customized QR codes to enable the expression of appreciation, we’re bringing humanity to technology.

 Create a virtual tip jar for your favorite teacher and express your appreciation.


Here’s How It Works

  1. When you sign up, provide us with the teacher’s name email. and school.

2. We’ll contact them and let them know that a teacher appreciation jar has been set up for them. The teacher will set up an account and provide bank details for receiving tips.

3. We’ll send the teacher a customized QR code and URL, which you’ll share with other parents. Whenever anyone scans this teacher’s QR code, a “tip” will go directly and anonymously into the teacher’s virtual tip jar account.