Cashless guests, millennials, and mobile technology is shaking up the hotel, travel and service industry.
Guests not having cash in these service sectors creates a dilemma for both the business and the guest. Businesses are responding by eliminating cash tipping or using payment systems that force guests to enter a tip, before receiving service. But this is an even bigger problem for employees who are seeing their tips decline.
TipGenie sees these solutions as taking the appreciation out of service tipping. That’s why we’re turning this problem into an opportunity to optimize existing mobile and financial technology to not only solve these pinpoints but to generate new value.
Hotels. The US hotel industry has a $200 billion market value and a global market of $534 billion. Global growth is projected to continue and is estimated to reach $700 billion on 2021. There are 5 million rooms cleaned by 450,000 hotel housekeepers, 90% of whom are women who make an average of $11.37 an hour, not including tips.
Travel. Millennials are a fast growing segment of travelers, preferring experience and activities over material items. They spent an estimated $226 billion for travel during 2015. For Millennials, service matters. They are more likely to use guest services, rely on guest reviews, and are twice as likely to use mobile payments.
Catering, There are approximately 200,000 employees who work in catering and mobile food delivery services.