Create a virtual Tip Jar for your favorite teacher.

Now you can thank a teacher for their professional commitment, courage, passion, patience by requesting a TipGlow QR code to show your support.

Our cashless, touchless system makes collecting donations quick, easy & secure - no app download required.

How It Works

Step 01

When you sign up, provide us with the teacher’s name, email and school. We’ll let them know that a teacher appreciation jar has been set up for them.

Step 02

The teacher will set up an account and provide bank details for receiving tips and donations using Stripe, a leading payments processor.

Step 03

We’ll send the teacher and you a QR code to share with others. When someone scans the QR code with their phone’s camera and enters a donation, it goes directly and anonymously into the teacher’s account.

Our Mission: How can we empower those who want to express appreciation to the people in their lives? How can we give back to people who are worthy of gratitude and appreciation? By using customized QR codes to enable the expression of appreciation, we’re bringing humanity to technology.

Our Story.

Before COVID-19, our team was working full time as TipGenie.io - a platform that makes service tipping fast, easy, secure for service professionals.

TipGenie created patent-pending QR codes, that when scanned by a mobile phone camera, instantly allowed a user to send a tip, quickly + securely. Purposely built for the service industry, we made it possible for tips to be sent with a message of support. Even better: No one would have to download another mobile app.

And then. COVID-19 turned our world upside down: Store clerks became essential employees, delivery drivers turned into front-line workers. Hotels went dark and empty.

While we wait for our industry to recover, we created TipGlow to give our patent-pending QR codes to anyone who would like a way to collect digital donations and tips, from anyone, at any time, from a safe physical and social distance. All they need to do is to point their camera at the QR code and our cashless tipping app does the rest. Print it on a flyer, email or text it, share it as a photo, post it on social media, include it on your business card, create a virtual background with it when you Zoom—and start supporting the people and organizations you care about.

Start collecting donations for a teacher you appreciate.